Tuesday, May 3, 2011


The Easter Bunny did find JJ, Kaylee, and Grant all the way over here in Alabama. We went to a really fun Easter celebration at the town square on Saturday. The kids got to make hats and ties, a plant, a cute Easter bag, made a cookie and treats to lay out for the Easter Bunny. They had free lemonade and cotton candy and a fun Easter egg hunt. It was a fun time for all. We had a little eater egg hunt on Sunday in out back yard and every egg was actually found. It was a nice Easter weekend!


Amanda said...

Grant is getting so big!

katielyn said...

What cute kids! Your little boy is adorable. (I almost bought Johnathon a similar Easter outfit, but forced myself to refrain because he'd only be able to wear it once and has more than enough clothes right now!)